function createCursor(){ const cursor = document.createElement('div'); cursor.setAttribute('id','cursor') var innerDiv = document.createElement('div'); innerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'cursor_fire'); var paragraph = document.createElement('p'); paragraph.setAttribute('class', 'blink_text'); paragraph.textContent = 'Blink Me!'; innerDiv.appendChild(paragraph); cursor.appendChild(innerDiv); document.body.appendChild(cursor); return cursor; } const cursor = createCursor(); function getCursor(){ return cursor; } function updateCursorPosition(cursor, x, y) { if(x+50 < document.body.clientWidth){ = `${x}px`; } if(y+50 < document.body.clientHeight){ = `${y}px`; } } function setBackground(element,url){ = `url(${url})`; } function setChoice(id){ var element = document.getElementById("meal_1"); = "4px solid #fff0"; var element = document.getElementById("meal_2"); = "4px solid #fff0"; var element = document.getElementById("meal_3"); = "4px solid #fff0"; var element = document.getElementById(id); = "4px solid #ff8f00"; } function scrollToSection(sectionId) { const section = document.getElementById(sectionId); section.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }); } function sendEmail(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Customize the email subject and body var subject = "Contact Eyegestures"; var body = "I want to express interest "; // Construct the mailto URL var mailtoUrl = "" + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(body); // Open the user's default email client window.location.href = mailtoUrl; } function onCursor(x,y,fix,blink){ updateCursorPosition(cursor,x,y); } function scanButtons() { } function onFrame(video){ canvasView = document.getElementById("faceVideoView"); canvasView.width = 200; canvasView.height = 200; contextView = canvasView.getContext('2d'); contextView.translate(canvasView.width, 0); contextView.scale(-1, 1); contextView.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvasView.width, canvasView.height); } var prev_blink = 0; function onMagnet(element,fix,blink){ // cursor.classList.add("is-hovered"); if(blink == 0 && prev_blink == 1) { } prev_blink = blink; }; function onMagnetCalibration(completed){ }; function update_offset(){ } // Get viewport width var viewportWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; // Get viewport height var viewportHeight = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) - 50; EyeMagnetAPI( "JtLM!H!LqvRR@%Jx@jPGqCP3e2#S4Vqg!Czq2R97SSYp*yxPn&r&&@aFGpZB",1.0,30, { onFrame : onFrame, onCursor : onCursor, onMagnet : onMagnet, onCalibration : function(){}, onMagnetCalibration : onMagnetCalibration, display_width : viewportWidth, display_height: viewportHeight, calibration : true, calibration_layout : true } );